Web Sitings

This page contains links to Web sites for music education. Many of these sites were featured in the "Web Sitings" column in Music Education Technology Magazine (MET) by Steven Estrella of StevenEstrella.com and ShearSpire, Inc.

As of Fall 2007, Karen Garrett is the new author for the Web Sitings column. Steve just got too busy. Please see her site at: http://www.musictechteacher.com/websitings.htm.

Music Education Technology magazine stopped publication in Winter of 2007. On occasion, however, I will continue to add links here when I find new sites of interest.

Saxophone Resources

Music Appreciation Resources

These sites host teacher-created Web pages, quizzes, calendars, and other online activities.

Web Sites that Help Teachers Create Online Music Education Resources

These sites host teacher-created Web pages, quizzes, calendars, and other online activities.

Early Childhood Music and Movement

Opera and Theater

Digital Sheet Music



Orchestra Sites

School Sites

Practice Resources

Sites for Young Kids

Sites for Young Children to Browse

Sites for children must be devoid of objectional content and must make every effort to protect the privacy of the children who use the site. The content of a site for use by children should be reviewed by the teacher and, if possible, the parents. This list contains sites that are used by children in elementary school music education.

Sites for Older Children to Browse

Sites for older children contain content that involves abstract thinking. These sites also tend to be less game and entertainment oriented.

Sites for Teachers to Browse

The teacher will wish to become familiar with all the sites in the sections above for children. The teacher will also browse a wider variety of sites to obtain text, graphic, video, and audio resources for presentation in class. The following list of sites may be of assistance to you as you look for resources for your teaching.