Delhi - Part 1
Wednesday - January 7, 1998

After our lovely morning tea and talk with the curator of the Sangeet Museum we left for the airport with every intention of returning home to Philadelphia. At the airport we met George and Judy (they have a web site at We enjoyed their company but had no idea how much time we would end up spending together. Our flight that evening was cancelled due to fog. British Airways bussed the entire planeload of us 45 minutes to the lovely Best Western Surya Hotel where we were given very comfortable 4-star accommodations with good food and cable TV. George and Judy had been traveling a bit on the rough side in India so they actually found the delay to be a treat.
Thursday - January 8, 1998
On Thursday we relaxed the entire day at the hotel enjoying the hospitality of British Airways. By this time we had seen all we needed to of Delhi so we had no desire to go out. We ate buffet food, watched cable TV, read our books, and walked around the hotel with George and Judy. That evening we were taken by bus once again to the airport. Once again, however, the flight was cancelled due to fog and we were taken right back to the hotel for another evening of Arnold Schwarzenegger movies and fattening food.
Friday - January 9, 1998

On Friday British Airways figured out that they would have better luck getting us out of Delhi during the day, so they scheduled us on a late afternoon flight. I took this picture on the way to the airport. By this time we all wanted to leave Delhi but the crowd retained a sense of humor. The flight did indeed take off and only two hours late (or 60 hours late depending on how you look at it).
Saturday - January 10, 1998
We arrived in London very early and British Airways put us up in the airport Hilton where we rested during our 10-hour layover. After a tasty English breakfast (yes, there is such a thing) we departed for home. When we arrived in New York we got our luggage, drove home to Ambler, and then went out to visit friends that evening to stay awake and minimize jet lag.
This trip to India was a very special one among our many travels. The culture shock was both an education and a joy. If you go to India, be prepared for a few discomforts, take along a pharmacy of medicine to prevent intestinal problems, get your shots up to date, and engage a good touring company like Mercury Travels.